PractitionersGuideGRADE ENGINEERING STUDIESStudy Engagement PrinciplesOpportunity AssessmentsData RequirementsLEVER CHARACTERISATIONSamplingMethodsNatural Deportment CharacterisationInduced Deportment CharacterisationBulk Sorting CharacterisationParticle Sorting CharacterisationGravity Separation CharacterisationGRADE ENGINEERING BLOCK MODELHeterogeneity ModellingSpatial PopulationHigh Resolution Block ModelsPROCESS SIMULATIONIntegrated Extraction SimulatorGE in IES MethodologyGE in IES Case StudySTRATEGIC PLANNING WITH GRADE ENGINEERINGInputs to Strategic Mine PlanningUltimate Pit and PushbacksScheduling and Cut-Off OptimisationStrategy EvaluationSite TrialsPractical Example of Screening Trial - GoldPractical Example of Screening Trial - AgPbZnDesigning Bulk Ore Sorting TrialsPractical Example of Bulk Sorting TrialKey Learnings from Conducting Bulk Ore Sorting TrialsSite Trials in ActionSPATIAL TO TEMPORAL DIVIDEProblem SpaceOre Tracking MethodsSimulation OptionsSHORT TERM PLANNINGShort Term Planning MethodologyShort Term Planning ImpactShort Term Planning Case StudyA Practical Example of Grade Engineering EvaluationBlock Model Preparation for Mine PlanningMine Planning ParametersOpen Pit Optimization and DesignUnderground Optimization and DesignEconomics (Comparisons)Key Benefits and AdvantagesGrade Engineering Evaluation ConclusionsWorked Example of Block Model MacroAppendix A: ActivitiesActivity 1: Natural DeportmentActivity 2: Induced DeportmentActivity 3: Bulk SortingActivity 4: Particle SortingActivity 5: Gravity Separation PractitionersGuide » Site Trials Table of contents: Practical Example of Screening Trial - Gold Practical Example of Screening Trial - AgPbZn Designing Bulk Ore Sorting Trials Practical Example of Bulk Sorting Trial Key Learnings from Conducting Bulk Ore Sorting Trials Site Trials in Action Previous Chapter: Grade Engineering Plant | Next Chapter: Spatial to Temporal Divide